Our Services

For Your Growth

An Effective Way to Lift Your Sales

PPC Advertising

We monitor and optimize your ads, connect you with new customers, and also maintain a profitable ROI.
We know marketing systems like the back of our hand. That's why we can adjust your campaigns much faster than you could on your own.

Our Price Is Set: 90 €/hour
Search Ads
Google Ads
Sklik (Seznam)


"Adsvantage is full of  highly qualified professionals and the results they deliver have often exceeded our expectations. I really appreciate their concise, comprehensive reports and their on-point communication."

Roman Pitucha
See What Has Worked for 200 Other Ad Accounts

PPC Training and Courses

We keep studying what works for other professionals abroad and spend hours managing ad systems every day. Learn our time-tested know how in just a few hours.

Ask For a Quote.
How to Ensure Your Ads' Success
Advanced PPC Management
Utilizing Comparison Shopping Sites
Get Ahead of Competition on Heureka, Zbozi and Favi

Price Comparison Websites

That's where hundreds of thousands of customers look for you, every day. We will make you their first choice - even if you're not the cheapest.

Our Price Is Set: 90 €/hour
Heureka, Arukereso
Favi, BIANO and Others

+ 2 Million Thanks to Comparison Websites

Stanley is a company selling top-quality tools. They asked us to manage their PPC ads, but we recommended that they focus on comparison websites, instead. We made the right call.
Their sales soared - from 1.2 to 3.5 million  per month.

+ 276%

In Sales

We Keep No Secrets

We'll Show You What Profits Your Money Has Bought

Thanks to automatic reports, you know exactly where your money goes, how much you're spending and what results it has achieved for you. We don't adjust the reports in any way. You get to see data drawn directly from our ad system and a clear-cut ROI. Take a look at a sample report below.

You Are Our Number 1 Client

We Don’t Have Hundreds of Clients. We Have You, and You Are Our First Priority.

We are an agency with a freelancer-like approach. We know all of our clients personally, we communicate with each of them in person, and we care about delivering them results.  For us, you're more than just a number. So call, write and ask away. We're here for you.

Our Credentials: We're Certified Pros

Proud to Be Google Partners

as well as certified partners of Shoptet, Heureka and the automated comparison tool Mergado.

Connect With Customers From Across Europe

Let Your Business Cross Borders. With Us, You Will See Profits All Across The Globe.

You get your products ready, while we sell them on foreign markets. Our clients have buyers from all over Europe. Are you ready to grow, too?

How Does It All Work?

We’ll Raise Your Sales in a Week

Thanks to our effective in-house processes, we're able to launch campaigns and start monetizing within 7 days.

Day 1: Introductory Consultation

You tell us about your business and goals. We take a look at your accounts and identify areas which could be improved.

Day 2–4: Quickstart Strategy

We map out strategies that will bring you meaningful results, fast. This guarantees you'll get your money's worth.

Day 5-7: Campaign Launch

3, 2, 1… And launch! Customers start trickling in and we start evaluating and tweaking our setup.

Get in Touch. You Can't Lose Anything By Giving Us a Try.

Give us a month. We guarantee that your eshop will start growing.
And if it doesn't? You can always go back to doing things your way.

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